We accept online payment by Discover, Visa, MasterCard, and American Express credit cards. When ordering by mail or fax we accept payment by the aforementioned credit cards as well as check or money order.
After placing a credit card order, your card is typically processed and charged the following business day. When it is approved, it is only charged for the items we have in stock that are being shipped to you immediately, plus the entire amount of shipping costs. Payment for any backordered items will be charged when they come in and we get ready to ship them to you. You will not be billed or charged for any additional shipping fees.
If your credit card is declined, you will receive an e-mail notice requesting that you contact us immediately. A decline often results from a simple typo when you are entering your payment information at checkout, so once you contact us we will ask you to verify your account number, expiration date, and billing address. If this doesn't rectify the problem, you have the option of working out another means of payment or canceling the order. If we do not get a reply from you within 7 days of the decline notice, your order will be cancelled.
Note: If you are using e-mail filters and/or blockers, make sure that you can receive e-mails from JustLabCoats.com so that e-mail notices such as these will come through.